Centre for Lifelong LearningThe Open Campus

The Open Campus - undergraduate study for all

**This course is currently on hold until the 2022/2023 session**

This initiative offers a unique opportunity for adult learners to gain a flavour of a range of subjects which are part of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences BA programme, not to mention providing a unique intergenerational learning experience for all. 

We have developed learning opportunities in three fields of study which we believe will have broad appeal to adult learners. Each has its own Open Studies Certificate worth 30 University credits so you can study for academic credit if you choose. 


You can now choose from an Open Studies Certificate in:

In collaboration with the School of Social Work and Social Policy

A fascinating subject, which examines the welfare of societies and individuals. It provides an exciting opportunity for students to engage with contemporary social issues such as inequalities, disadvantages, diversity, globalisation and crime. 

Lecture Times:

Mondays 11.00-12.00 and Wednesdays 11.00-12.00 from Monday 23rd September.

Seminar Times:

Wednesdays 10.00-11.00 or 12.00-13.00


Typically 2 x 1 hour lectures a week plus a weekly seminar group. 

On completion, you will be awarded an Open Studies Certificate in your chosen subject worth 30 University of Strathclyde credits. You will also enjoy similar access to facilities as fellow undergraduates.

View (pdf) The Open Campus Social Policy Guide

Enrol on the Open Studies Certificate in Social Policy.

In collaboration with the School of Humanities

Enjoy the best of old and new by gaining a grounding in the classics as well as an insight into new fields of literature.

Lecture Times:

Tuesdays 11.00-12.00 and Fridays 12.00-13.00 from Tuesday 24th September.

Seminar Times:

Fridays from 14.00-15.00.


Typically 2 x 1 hour lectures a week plus a weekly seminar group. 

On completion, you will be awarded an Open Studies Certificate in your chosen subject worth 30 University of Strathclyde credits. You will also enjoy similar access to facilities as fellow undergraduates.  

View (pdf) The Open Campus English Literature Guide

Enrol on the Open Studies Certificate in English Literature. 

In collaboration with the School of Psychological Sciences and Health

Unravel the conditions of human behaviour - how we learn, remember, co-ordinate our actions and interact with others. Gain an insight into the reasons for differences between individuals, such as personality or intelligence. 

Lecture Times:

Mondays and Fridays 14.00-15.00 from Monday 23rd September.


Typically 2 x 1 hour lectures a week. This course is purely lecture based with the occasional lab. 

On completion, you will be awarded an Open Studies Certificate in your chosen subject worth 30 University of Strathclyde credits. You will also enjoy similar access to facilities as fellow undergraduates.

View (pdf) The Open Campus Psychology Guide

Enrol on the Open Studies Certificate in Psychology. 


Entry Requirements

None. All you need is a thirst for knowledge and the time to attend lectures and seminars. If you choose to study for credit you need to factor in time for regular attendance and completing assessments. There are no exams, assessment is by coursework and is optional. 

Fees and funding

Each Certificate will run from September to April and will cost £420.00 (2019/20 fee). Attendance will typically involve two, one hour lectures a week plus a fortnightly small group seminar although each certificate varies slightly (e.g. psychology has no seminars). A pre-course information session is also included. The session provides a thorough introduction to everything you will need for your class and an opportunity to ask any questions you may have. You will also meet some of the academic staff involved. All enrolled students should attend as seminar / tutorial groups will be assigned at this meeting. 

If you earn less than £25,000 a year, funding may be available to you through the SASS Part-time Fee Grant (which currently provides £321.00 towards a 30-credit Open Studies Certificate). Visit the SASS website to find out more. 

Find out more

If you wish to register interest or have any further queries, please contact Gemma Gilliland by email Gemma.Gilliland@strath.ac.uk